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 11 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Antoine Coypel"Advanced Search
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Democritus, 1692. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
The Baptism of Christ, c1690. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Hand and Forearm, n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Martyrdom of a Saint, n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Allegory of the Glory of the Dauphin, 1680. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Back of Hand and Forearm, n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Hand Pointing and Forearm, n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Orpheus on the River Styx, n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Sketch of a Male Nude Leaning on Right Elbow (recto), n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Portrait of la Voisin,.n.d. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
'Athaliah Expelled from the Temple', painted before 1697. Artist: Antoine Coypel